Is Back Pain Normal? A Response From A Petaluma Chiropractor

Is my back pain normal?


Well no, it’s not normal in the sense that normal means your body’s functioning properly. I guess still that’s not entirely true because your body is functioning properly, giving you that signal of pain. So pain, back pain or any other symptom, is just a signal that something’s out of balance or something’s not working right in your body. It’s like an alarm system that goes off letting you know there’s something that needs to be addressed. I’ll just read a couple stats off about back pain. 31 million Americans experience low-back pain at any given time. There’s another fact. Low back pain is the single leading cause of disability worldwide, according to the Global Burden of Disease published in 2010. Back pain is the most common reason for missed work. One half of all Americans admit to having back pain symptoms each year.

There’s a whole lot of stats that go on and on. But it is a very prevalent problem. And so it’s obvious that for a lot of people back pain is normal, their normal experience. When we can figure out what’s causing that problem, instead of just giving painkillers, anti-inflammatories, injections and things like that to mask or cover up the symptom, we get really some results when we can remove that cause. Chiropractic is a great, safe, drug-free intervention that can help tremendously with back pain. And it does so without the use of opioids and all these other toxic drugs. I highly encourage you to seek out a qualified chiropractor to have your spine checked because there is something causing your pain. Whether that is something that can be fixed and that your body can heal from, a qualified chiropractor could tell you and can help you out with that. I’m Dr. Steve Battaglino with Battaglino Family Chiropractic, urging you to get your spine checked.