Can Chiropractic Care With Migraine Headaches?


Yes, it can. Let’s talk first about what migraine headaches are. Migraine headaches, they’re really debilitating. In addition to having pain and a headache, it’s usually accompanied by prodromal symptoms. This means that, before the headache comes on. You get a little bit of an aura, it’s called, an aura where you get some visual lights, some sounds, or even smells that kinda let you know that you’re gonna have a real migraine headache. They’re debilitating. Sometimes the patients can’t get out of bed, they can’t stand the light, they’re very photosensitive, meaning the light is really bothersome. What’s happening here is the nervous system gets out of balance. The nervous system, particularly the sympathetic nervous system, which is the fight-or-flight response part of your nervous system, gets stimulated to a point where the blood vessels, the cranial blood vessels, in your head dilate and start to swell and that causes headaches, but it also causes a stimulation of the trigeminal nerve which is one of the main nerves coming out of the brain down into the face, and this causes migraine. There’s also, the nervous system is out of balance, but also the endocrine system can get out of balance through the same process. Endocrine system is your hormonal system, and so we see a correlation between menstrual cycles, for example, and the incidence of migraine because of that hormonal shift.

Chiropractic care works by restoring proper balance to the nervous system. You have two main sides of your nervous system. One is fight-or-flight, called sympathetic. The other is rest and digest, growth and repair, which is called your parasympathetic nervous system. So typically, you wanna have a balance in there. If there is pressure on the nervous system in the spinal level, it can make it really difficult for the body to get that, to restore that balance on its own. That’s where chiropractic care comes in. It’s really great for removing pressure and stress on the nervous system which can cause this kinda ailments. And then the body just restores balance on its own and heals on its own, which is what it’s designed to do.

I’m Dr. Steven Battaglino with Battaglino Family Chiropractic (in Petaluma, CA), urging you to get your spine checked. Especially if you suffer from migraines, it can be a huge help. I’ve seen patients myself that had been on expensive toxic medications for years and just basically suffer and try to muddle through for years before discovering that chiropractic care has a huge effect and a huge impact on migraines.