Category Archives: Pain

Your Pain Is Not Your Problem


Hi, I’m Dr. Steve Battaglino with Battaglino Family Chiropractic. Your pain isn’t the problem, your pain is a signal that your body has a problem. So, it’s like a fire alarm in your house. Your body is designed to heal completely, provided the nervous system is functioning right. So, if you cut your arm you don’t really have to think about it too much, or do anything other than just give it a little time, make sure it’s clean, make sure the bleeding is stopped. And your body does the rest; it heals it up completely. Just like anything else in the body, this requires the coordination and the control of the nervous system. So, if your body is able to heal it completely, it removes the cause of that problem. If it’s not able do that, it heals incompletely.

Or a lot of times, in allopathic medical model in Western medicine, we see covering up symptoms with medication. This is very prevalent and it’s really just like taking the batteries out of the smoke alarm and doing nothing about the fire. Nobody likes to be in pain, I get that. It is very debilitating. If you live in chronic pain, it really changes your life. So the goal is really to get rid of the pain, but it’s to do so by removing the cause of the problem. Healing is the body’s natural state as long as the nervous system’s functioning right. Spinal mis-alignments put pressure on the nervous system and it inhibits the body’s ability to heal. So it either causes a malfunction, in the nerves functioning too much or not enough.
So, chiropractic care is a great solution for addressing the cause of the problem and allow the body to heal properly.

I’m Dr. Steven Battaglino with Battaglino Chiropractic (in Petaluma, CA), and this has been your “Health Minute.”

What Is Causing My Pain?

Hi, I’m Dr. Steven Battaglino with Battaglino Family Chiropractic. People ask me all the time “What’s causing my pain? Is it nerve pain? Is it some other kind of pain? Ultimately, all pain is nerve pain. All sensation is coming from nerves as well. In the spine, the nerves for our whole entire body, originate here in the spine. They come out on either side and each of these little nerves branches over 10,000 times and go to form a whole nerve network in our body.

If there’s compression on these nerves… Let me show you how that can happen. This is a model of the vertebrae, the bone, and there’s a disk in between. We can see this hole here where the nerves are coming out. If the disk… Let me back up a step, if the bone get’s out of place, it can put pressure on not only on the joints that move here, but on the disk. And the disk is a big factor in what puts pressure on these big nerves because it will bulge to one side or the other, and typically, towards the back.

If it does bulge or put pressure on these nerves, and it doesn’t take much, we used to talk about like pliers, pinching the nerve. In reality, they’re very, very delicate structures. And just inflammation around the joint or around that area in general can put pressure on these nerves, can cause not only pain but other problems, digestive problems and a host of other issues because they’re going to run our whole entire body. So, the cause of the pain is coming from some sort of compression or distortion on a nerve somewhere.

If we can remove that pressure, not only will your pain go away or other symptoms, but it will allow that nerve to do what it’s supposed to do which is feed some function in your body, ie, it’s going to be a pathway for your brain to communicate with some portion of the body and get that communication back. That back and forth communication is crucial for our body to run properly.

I’m Dr. Steven Battaglino with your Health Minute.